IF you only watch one guitar video this year, watch this one! It’s full of tone geekery and awesome blues and funk licks. I didn’t know Kirk Fletcher before watching, what a player!
All posts by romain
Codtone Big Muff Civil War Era Clone
Codtone is a very cool one man boutique manufacturer based out of northern New South Wales in Australia.
Not only does he craft killer pedals often based on well known circuits, he also offers something quite unique: custom etchings on his pedals.
I was after a compact Muff after selling my (too) large Big Muff Pi reissue so after trading some gear I custom ordered a Big Muff clone from Codtone. Here is a little demo of the beast which sports a Civil war era circuit and is etched with the coat of arms of my native region in France:
Quick Test: Tech 21 British V2 for Direct Recording
I have recently acquired a Tech 21 British V2 Sansamp from the Character series. for the purpose of recording direct.
Here is a quick test where I have set the British V2 quite clean and a Wampler Pinnacle is used for dirt. There is also a delay courtesy of an Eventide H9 and some reverb from Cubase.
Pedal Power Video Series Hosted by Dweezil Zappa
Here is a pretty good youtube series. “Pedal Power” by D’addario strings has been around for a while but Dweezil Zappa has stepped forward to host the show, and it’s pretty cool.
Here is Episode 3 with Zane Carney, a pretty innovative guitarist with a huge theoretical knowledge (I must work on this!):