Guitar slinger friends, I have just launched a separate Youtube channel dedicated to videos in French!
The reason for it: there is a large offering of demos or general guitar and effects talk in the English speaking world, but not much so in the French speaking world.
To kickstart this new channel, I have released three videos in a new series dedicated to what I call “Legendary Pedals”: the Proco RAT, the Boss DS-1 and the Ibanez Tube Screamer.
In a departure from all my other videos, there is some talking before the demo bits. I recount the history behind the pedals and their famous users and I give some tips as well. If you don’t speak or understand French, jump to about half way on each video to hear some tones!
ProCo RAT:
Boss DS-1:
Tube Screamer:

I have always been a fun of the DS-1, in fact it was one of my first pedals.
Great post, keep it up!