Visual Sound, known for making double pedals such as the Route 66 compressor/overdrive and the Jekyll and Hyde overdrive/distortion, has organized and filmed several pedal shoot outs. In this particular one, about ten different distortion pedals are played in front of an audience in a blind test manner. The audience votes for its favourite based on the tone only as the names of the pedals are only revealed at the end:
The “Son of Hyde” from Visual Sound seems to win with the Z Vex box of rock a close second. Of course the results should be taken with a grain of salt as we don’t know which amp is used, only one guitar is used, etc. The tone comes as much from the fingers as it does from the gear and there is not one definitive answer as each player will have its preferences. It is interesting nonetheless and there are more shoot out videos on their youtube channel.

The sound it awesome. thanks